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Anti Ageing


As we age, wrinkles become an inevitable part of our skin’s journey. Fortunately, modern cosmetic dermatology offers a range of effective treatments to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


Rejuvenate Your Appearance with Facelift Treatments at Alura Aesthetic Clinic

As we age, our skin loses its youthful elasticity and firmness due to decreased production of essential proteins like elastin and collagen. At Alura Aesthetic Clinic, we offer a range of customized facelift solutions to help you regain a more youthful appearance, performed by our Aesthetic Cosmetologists.

Chin Correction

Chin Correction: Enhancing Facial Harmony Through Modern Techniques

Chin correction, also known as genioplasty or mentoplasty, is a popular cosmetic procedure that can dramatically improve facial balance and aesthetics. Whether you’re looking to address a receding chin, reduce an overly prominent chin, or simply refine your profile, there are several effective options available.

Sagging Skin

Effective Treatments for Sagging Skin: From Lasers to Thread Lifts

Sagging skin is a common concern as we age, but modern cosmetic procedures offer several effective solutions.

Age Spots

Effective Treatments for Age Spots: Revealing Youthful, Even-Toned Skin

Age spots, also known as liver spots or sun spots, are a common sign of aging and sun damage. Fortunately, several effective treatments can help reduce their appearance and restore a more youthful complexion.

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